Wild Bird Rescue, Inc., serves twelve Texas counties by receiving birds from Texas Parks and Wildlife, Animal Control, Humane Societies, Police Departments, Sheriff's Departments, area businesses, and concerned individuals. We have received over 8,500 birds since the year 2001. We rescue wild birds, rehabilitate them, and then release them back into the wild.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Altitude Adjustment

Our brother-in-law called Saturday evening to see if we wanted to go to the Wichita Mountains on Sunday. My wife's sister always calls it "an altitude adjustment". As always we really enjoyed the trip. It is fun and relaxing no matter who you get to see, or not see.

On the way there we saw Red-tailed Hawks, a Great Blue Heron, Cooper's Hawk, Meadowlarks, Red-winged Blackbirds and a Northern Harrier (Marsh Hawk). While driving through the mountains we saw Canada Geese, Grebes, Mallards, Meadowlarks, sparrow (too far for positive I.D.), and another Northern Harrier.

We also spotted the occasional buffalo, saw plenty of long horn cattle and wondered about the deer and elk. At 5:30pm, as we were leaving, we spotted a herd of 9 buffalo. We pulled over to the shoulder of the road and as we were watching the buffalo we saw 5 White-tailed deer. One was a very large buck and was obviously interested in a doe. He did a sudden turn around and we saw a smaller buck approaching the same doe. That is, until he spotted the larger buck. He lowered his head and made a very wide detour around the big guy. While watching him, we spotted some brown spots higher up the hill. Binoculars brought a herd of 16 Elk into view. They were all does and yearlings.

A great day in the Wichita's made even better by the wildlife!

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